Our Story


Our Story

Hi there, my name is Robyn Elms. I am the founder of VAYN. This is a personal message from me to you. I want you to know that I care about each and every one of you. I believe in you. Don't let anyone get in the way of your success, not even yourself!

VAYN is more than just a clothing brand. VAYN is on an important mission to empower everyone to be UNAPOLOGETICALLY CONFIDENT in their own skin, whatever skin that may be.

I was inspired to launch the VAYN brand after realising from both personal and passive experience, that we are facing an epidemic of extraordinary people not reaching their potential as they do not believe in themselves, do not value and respect themselves, do not practice self-love, have poor self-esteem, lack self-confidence, are not doing the things that they love and are therefore not living a life of purpose. Ultimately this sadly leads to poor mental health and well-being, a feeling of not being fulfilled and happy in their life; which in turn affects their ability to be successful in their chosen field of endeavour.

Over the years, I have come to the conclusion that the more you practice self-love, the more you tell yourself that you are good enough and that you can do the things you want to do; the more confident you are as an individual and the more likely you are to go for it in life, and have more happiness, more success and less mental health problems. 

The name ‘VAYN’ was created by flipping the negativity of being ‘vain’ into a positive, after recognising that there are so many wonderful benefits of being ‘VAYN’ and being unapologetically confident in your own skin, so long as you also encourage others to do the same.

VAYN was born out of my want to create something that people could be a part of. The #VAYNTRIBE are a family of like-minded, empowering individuals from all walks of life that are passionate about personal growth, as well as the growth of others. They believe in themselves and encourage others to believe in themselves too. The #VAYNTRIBE consists of people with varying confidence levels; from those who are just beginning their journey into self-confidence, to those that have been practicing self-confidence for a long time. In all cases, the #VAYNTRIBE empower each other to be better versions of themselves.

Our #VAYNTRIBE thrives on helping others to reach and surpass their potential, whilst also helping themselves to do the same. The great thing about being a part of the #VAYNTRIBE family is that once you are in, you are in for good and you know that you will always be empowered to be your best by everyone that is a part of the growing #VAYNTRIBE family. In our minds, the more we help others, the more we help ourselves, and this is a much better and sustainable society to be a part of. It is such a self-inspiring and euphoric feeling to know that you have helped someone take a step closer to becoming a more confident, happier and more successful person.

Another thing we care about is the environment, which is why we always opt for a slow approach to fashion, rather than the typical destructive fast-fashion that dominates the clothing industry. We use organic cotton in our garments (extra comfort and long-lasting) and recyclable packaging wherever we can as we want to start as we mean to go on - being as eco-friendly, ethical and sustainable as possible. Our tees and hoodies are currently made in a wind powered factory in India, shipped via the sea to the UK, where they are then printed in a solar powered factory to demand (no wastage). How cool is that?! We are also proud to have partnered with One Tree Planted, so now for every VAYN garment you purchase, a tree will be planted on your behalf somewhere in the world.

When you purchase a VAYN product, you are making an smart investment in yourself. We ask that you to pledge to make a conscious effort to strive to incorporate the following 3 things into your life: 

1. Confidence & Self-Love

We want you to strive to improve your self-esteem, self-belief, self-worth and self-respect with the aim of being unapologetically confident in your own skin. We want you to work on having the courage to be different and fully embrace who you are on the inside and how you look the outside. We want you to accept who you are and promote body positivity. Finally, as always we want you to empower others to practice self-love and be more confident in themselves too.

2. Mental Health & Well-Being

We want you to prioritise your mental health and well-being. We want you to do more of what makes you happy and talk about the things you are passionate about. We want you to actively practice positive self-talk, telling yourself that you are good enough and that you can do anything you set your mind to (because you really can). We want you to take the time out of your day to reflect on how things are going, to relax and recharge your batteries. Finally, we want you to empower others to talk more about mental health by being an imperfectly perfect example to them and let them know it is okay to seek help if they need it.

3. Success & Happiness 

We want you to challenge yourself on a daily basis. We want you to do things that are not life-risky, but will get your heart racing and make you feel alive (even if that is feeling nervous or embarrassed). We want you to not take yourself too seriously and occasionally make a fool out of yourself for no reason other than to become more comfortable with the feeling of failing and to learn how to embrace it. We want you to go for it in life, to try new things and to take full advantage of the opportunities that come your way. We want you to celebrate your successes and give yourself the credit you deserve, whilst also staying humble. We want you to do things that are in line with your own individual goals in life, to help give your life purpose. Finally, as always we want you to empower others to go for it and achieve their aims in life too.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Sending you confidence and positive vibes.

Robyn Elms xx